Production Week 1

Hello everyone and welcome to the devlog of the First Week of Production! We actually got the green light by our supervisors and we're up and ready to go all in with the project!

Our dedicated coding duo started with recreating and improving the previous prototyped mechanics. The Terrain Generator has never looked so neat and the destruction algorithm has been tweaked to give impressive results! And we're every day one step closer to get our goofy astronaut on the surface, picking up resources and stuff...

Come to VoxelPark! The best place to spend your holidays with your family!

Damn those craters! <3

For the nerds: we went back to our prototyped version using a voxel based terrain, where vertices can be added or removed to modify terrain geometry, using the "marching cube" algorithm. In combinations to this we added falling asteroids from the sky: they will choose a start position and an end position an follow their trajectory until it collides with the terrain. Boom! Then it will leave a crater in the ground, proportionate to their size. While normally starting with randomized terrain we now also have an improved version of our terrain editor. This terrain editor allows us to create customized terrain to end up with a more controlled and more designed environment. Improving the speed and accessibility of loading and saving the terrain files, we not only improve the quality of life of the developers but also facilitate the creation of a more enjoyable level for the player!

The base scripts for the player movement, grabbing and collisions are ready to possess a player mesh (currently undergoing some edits)! And we have some resources spawning and disappearing over the map. We'll soon have a walking character with controls and smooth camera movement, and we can start the score system!

And art wise? Our adventure is taking shape!

We have a bunch of meshes to populate the environment, some generic and some specific to the 4 environments you'll find in the game. Also our meteorites are ready to rock! :) And the character and spaceship took shape, along with the pickup ideas... but less talking and more pics!

Looks promising!


Latest model on the market!

Let's go!

And that's all folks! See you soon for the next devlog and likely the first alpha of the game!

Files 20 MB
Mar 08, 2021

Get RockSteady

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